Youth Camp Program to Bring Awareness about Drugs

Honouring to Mother's in the Mother's day celebrated by the MUKTI DEVELOPMENT CHARITABLE TRUST

Mukti Dovelopment Charitable Trust Women's Meeting
A Warm Greetings from the desk of MUKTI DEVELOPMENT CHARITABLE TRUST to all our visitors. Our Mukti Development Charitable Trust was made and executed on this 28-04-2015.
whereas being inspired by the teaching and writing of Great man's and in obedience to love and serve the needy and downtrodden and intension to help the weaker section of the society irrespective of cast, creed and color and to uplift the socio economic life of fellow being,in N. Lakhimpur, Assam, India.
We also highlight Mukti Development Charitable Trust aims and objective in the next page, kindly refers to About Us section.
May Our Almighty show you His Mighty deeds through Mukti Development Charitable Trust Lakhimpur.